Slapstick Science

Slapstick Science offers 6 thrilling assembly programs inspiring young scientists to have fun with physics and chemistry. All shows teach real science, and all shows emphasize audience engagement and participation.Much Work with Little Effort is about simple machines, kinetic energy, potential energy and friction. Demos include one kid lifting 1000 pounds of volunteers single-handedly with an adjustable lever and a typical third-grader hoisting a typical principal overhead with a 7-to-1 pulley. For a grand finale the audience figures out how the principal can throw a Bozo-Bop dummy over his head - without ever touching the Bozo-Bop.The Notion of Motion teaches all three laws of motion (inertia, force & acceleration, action & reaction) as well as how to use a hypothesis and what units are. This show ends with the audience predicting how each of Newton's Laws will be demonstrrated if Dr. Quark discharges a fire extinguisher while wearing roller-blades.Kiddie Chem is a core-curriculum supporting program that teaches solids, liquids, and gases to K - 2nd graders. Using exotic non-toxic substances like liquid nitrogen and dry ice, Dr. Quark presents all three phases of matter in humorous, unforgettable demonstrations. Combustion - the Fire Safety Show is the most important offering of Slapstick Science. This is a chemistry demonstration/lecture about the fire triangle that picks up where "stop, drop, and roll" leaves off and teaches everyone what is best to do in various real-life situations. This program is only available during October, Fire Safety Month."I thought your "Combustion" show had a nice mix of humor, science and fire safety & prevention. I even came away with a new idea!" - Martin Blumenthal, Safety Officer and former Chief, Ludwigs Corner Fire Company (PA).Flight! teaches audiences all the things other scientists had learned about pressure, forces, and air that led to the Wright Bros. first manned flight in 1903. Recommended for December (the anniversary is Dec. 17) this show is great for ALL audiences since everybody wants to know how an airplane flies.Cirque DO SCIENCE! is a less-academically oriented show displaying lots of circus skills (unicycling, trapeze, stilt-walking, rola-bola, juggling, and rolling globe) that illustrate wonderfully the role of potential energy, kinetic energy, friction, center of balance, and pendulae.Slapstick Science was created in 1992 by Ted Lawrence, a veteran high school physics, math and chemistry teacher who had also performed for two years for Ringling Bros, and these programs have been getting seen by 100 schools per year ever since. These shows are not just thrilling; they'll teach your kids more material in an hour than their teachers could teach them in three weeks! All shows are still written, produced, and presented by Ted Lawrence.