Fireworks, Your Family, and New York State | What’s happening in the Capital District

Fireworks, Your Family, and New York State

New York legalized some kinds of fireworks, which has many families jumping for joy! But not all fireworks have been approved, and some places still prohibit them (always double check with your county/city). Make sure you've got the most up-to-date information so that you don't accidentally break the law! (Updated For 2023)



What kind of fireworks are legal? Currently, the only approved type of fireworks in NYS are categorized as Sparklers.


Examples? Fountain type (cylindrical fountain, spike fountain, base fountain, handle fountain, cone fountain): When lit, a shower of colored sparks, a whistling effect or smoke is produced.          

                 Hand-held sparklers: Wooden handles only; metal handles are prohibited.

                 Party poppers: Small devices sometimes shaped like champagne bottles which use friction to propel fire retardant confetti or streamers.

                 Snappers: small devices wrapped in paper which give off a small explosion when dropped.


What about Bottle Rockets - we love those! Sorry. Fireworks that are shot or launched into the air are not legal at this time.


Who can buy them? Purchasers must be at least 18 years old.


Who can use them? According to NYS law, you must be 18 to use any type of fireworks. Unfortunately, this does include hand held sparklers.


Fireworks are legal in NY, so we can use them anywhere in the state, right? NO! NY made it a requirement that each county would need to pass their own law in order to use fireworks legally in that location.


In which counties are personal fireworks BANNED?

  • Albany
  • Bronx
  • Columbia
  • Kings
  • Nassau
  • New York City
  • Orange (prohibited in Middletown and Newburgh only)
  • Queens
  • Richmond
  • Schenectady
  • Suffolk
  • Westchester


Have a safe and wonderful holiday!

*** For more information regarding the New York State Fireworks Laws, just follow these links: New York State Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services and the New York State AGs Office.

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Helena Robin is President and CEO of the Robin family. She coordinates and executes all family operations including (but not limited to) communications, transportation, management, catering, maintenance, troubleshooting, and cultural development. Her Executive Team comprises a Husband/Creator of Chaos and three unpaid interns.
